What do we believe?

We believe:

– That there is one GOD who exists in three persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

– That Jesus, The Son, entered the world by a miraculous virgin birth, lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial and substitutionary death, rose victoriously and bodily from the grave, ascended bodily into heaven, is now seated at the right hand of The Father, and will one day imminently return to the earth

– That the Holy Spirit calls, regenerates, indwells, seals and fills for service those that repent of their sins to an offended Holy God and by faith receive the redeeming work of Jesus Christ

– That the universe and all that is in it (mankind and creature) were created directly by GOD in six literal days apart from any process of evolution

– That all mankind stands guilty of sin

  • guilty by association to Adam, the first created man who sinned first and whose sin nature is passed down to all his children
  • guilty by acts of commission by breaking GOD’s laws for mankind

– That Satan and his demons and devils are real. Satan is an enemy and has displayed his adversity to GOD and man soon after man was created. He will continue to do so until at the end of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ when he will be cast in to the lake of fire forever

– That Hell is real and is a fiery holding cell of misery and pain of those that die and are not saved. After the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, those in Hell must approach their final judgment before GOD on His white throne and then be cast in to the lake of fire

– That salvation is only found in Jesus Christ. He only by His virgin birth, which was not tainted by Adam’s sin and by His sinless life on earth as man, could offer to GOD a sacrifice that would satisfy His wrath at being offended. That sacrifice was the death of His own body and the shedding of His own blood on the cross of Calvary

– That salvation is an act of GOD’s grace

– That salvation truly found by mankind secures him for eternity

– That heaven is the happy home of those that are saved. A time of somber reflection awaits all believers at the judgment seat of Christ Jesus as work done in our lives is either rewarded because it was done for Him or burnt up because it was of no value to Him

– That an eternal existence in a new heaven and a new earth is in store for every believer who comes to GOD through Christ. The present heaven and earth will be destroyed by fire in judgment by GOD.

– That the Word of GOD in the Old and New Testament of the Holy Bible is inspired and inerrant. Because it was given to man by GOD in languages not commonly used today, we give supreme respect to the King James Version of the Bible in the English language. GOD superintended its existence and intends its use

– That a local church is an independent body of believers constituted according to New Testament doctrine with Jesus Christ as its supreme Head

– That the ordinances of New Testament church are to baptize new believers in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and to observe the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of His death until He comes again

– That there are only two offices in a New Testament church, that of pastor and deacon

– That the charge given to the New Testament church is also twofold. First it is to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ that the lost may be saved in Him. This charge is for all members of a church by their witness both of word spoken and a GOD honoring life lived. Secondly, it is to teach believers in the doctrines of Jesus Christ as set out in the Holy Bible to equip them to live for Him